Design and Modeling of Metamorphic Parallel Mechanisms and Related Research

主   办:力学系与工程科学与新兴技术高精尖创新中心
报告人:甘东明 教授
时   间:7月10日 周二 上午10:00
地   点:力学新楼210会议室
主持人:王启宁 研究员


Robotics is one of the most promising research areas in pushing cutting-edge technologies for future automated society. Robots have been widely used in manufacturing, automobile, food and many other industrial areas with space and underwater explorations and prospective applications on healthcare, surgery and as human companions in daily life. To conduct those applications, mechanisms as the robot frame determine the basic function and performance of the robots and as well as the requirements of their control and sensing. In this talk, some work on fundamental mechanism theories including type synthesis, kinematics analysis, and dynamics modeling of a class of new reconfigurable parallel robotic mechanisms will be presented. Following that, some application-oriented projects on automatic manufacturing, compliant robotics, and unmanned aerial vehicles will be introduced based on the activities at Khalifa University Center for Autonomous Robotics Systems.


Dr. Dongming Gan is an Assistant Professor in Robotics and Mechanical Engineering at Khalifa University. He has PhD degrees in Robotics and Mechanical Engineering from King’s College London and Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. He worked in the Advanced Robotics Department at the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) as a Post-doctoral Researcher until he moved to Khalifa University in 2011. Dongming’s main research interests include basic algorithms and analysis of spatial robotic mechanisms and their applications in automatic manufacturing, medical robotics and wearable robotics. In particular, he works on novel mechanism design, kinematics solving, dynamics analysis and reconfiguration of parallel robotic mechanisms.
Dongming has been PI/Co-PI for many research projects with accumulated support over 4.5 million USD. He is an Associate Editor of the Springer journal Mechanism and Machine Theory, a leading journal of mechanism research, a Review Editor on the Editorial Board of Bionics and Biomimetics in Frontiers Journal, an Editorial Board Member of the Journal of Applied Mechanical Engineering, a Guest Editor in Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, and a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). He has served on program committees and symposiums of several international conferences including IEEE/ASME ReMAR 2012, 2015, 2018, SoSE 2013-2017, Parallel 2014 and ASME MR 2012-2018.
