
主   办:天然气水合物国际研究中心
报告人:卢海龙 教授
时   间:9月20日 上午10:00
地   点:老化学楼东配楼101

报告题目之一:Carbon Dioxide Hydrate Technology---Hydrate-gas recovery process using Carbon Dioxide
报告人:增田昌敬 (Masahiro Masuda) 东京大学工学部 教授

报告题目之二:Molecular Scale Study in Oil and Gas Development: Shale Gas, Low Salinity EOR, and Gas Hydrate
报告人:梁云峰 东京大学工学部 副教授



Yoshihiro Masuda is the Professor at the University of Tokyo in Japan. He obtained his BE, ME and PhD degrees in petroleum engineering from the University of Tokyo in 1980, 1982, and 1992, respectively. After having been working as a petroleum engineer in Japan Petroleum Exploration Co. Ltd. (JAPEX) since 1982, he returned to the University of Tokyo as a lecturer in 1986. He was a visiting fellow at the University of Alberta in Canada from September 1993 to March 1994.
In 2001, Prof. Masuda joined the Research Consortium for Methane Hydrate Resources in Japan (MH21 Research Consortium) as a sub-leader of the production method group. He jointly developed a reservoir simulator - MH21-HYDRES for predicting gas production behavior from methane hydrate reservoirs. From April 2009, he has been appointed as a program leader of the MH21 Research Consortium and leading national research project in methane hydrate resource development in Japan. His specialty is modeling of phase behavior, methane hydrate dissociation, and transport phenomena in porous media. His current research is the development of enhanced recovery techniques with carbon-dioxide injection from methane hydrate reservoirs.

Yunfeng Liang is an associate professor at the University of Tokyo, Japan. Before joining the University of Tokyo, he worked at Kyoto University as an assistant professor from 2009 to 2016. He obtained a Ph. D. in condensed matter physics from Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA) in Trieste, Italy. He is specialized in ab initio and classical molecular dynamics simulations. His current research topics are related to energy resources and environment engineering, including enhanced oil recovery, shale gas, methane hydrate, and CO2 geosequestration.