Machine Learning Accelerates the Prediction and Optimization of Battery Management

报告人:Benben Jiang
主持人:侍乐媛 教授


Lithium-ion batteries have emerged as the key energy storage devices due to their low and falling costs, high energy densities, and long cycle lives. The battery management system (BMS) is in itself an important element to make the utilization of the battery in electric vehicles safe, reliable, and efficient. Recent efforts have designed efficient algorithms for conducting individual tasks of BMS, including optimal charging optimization, state-of-health (degradation) estimation, and battery lifetime prediction. The work on studying these BMS technologies as an integral whole is limited, especially in the context of fast charging, which is crucial for eliminating range anxiety and boosting the adoption of electric vehicles. This talk will provide my recent works on developing an autonomous research system to integrally tackle the key technical challenges of BMS that hinge on data: (1) How to accelerate top-down BMS technology optimization and prediction, for example, by quickly predicting failures and lifetime? (2) How to achieve a bottom-up understanding of the physics, such as the capacity fade mechanisms of a battery, for the rational design of BMS technologies across various purposes?


Benben Jiang received a B.Eng. in Automation from Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, in 2010 and a Ph.D. in Control Science and Engineering from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 2015. Currently, he is a Postdoctoral Associate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He is extensively engaged in a research project led by MIT and Stanford, aiming for advancing automobile battery design and energy materials discovery. He has published over twenty peer-reviewed academic papers in machine learning and fault diagnosis with applications to advanced battery management systems. Dr. Jiang is a recipient of the 2016 Prize in Informatics/Computer Science from the Dimitris Chorafas Foundation, Switzerland. In 2015, he is awarded by the Automation Department at Tsinghua University for being a Promising Young Researcher, and he is a winner of the 2015 Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation at Tsinghua University..
