Bottom up predictive modelling of liquid crystals and other functional materials:from molecules to applications

报告人:Claudio Zannoni (University of Bologna)



1972年       University of Bologna 硕士
1975年       University of Southampton 博士
1975-至今  University of Bologna 教授

研究方向及发表文章:  Main Research Interests and Expertise: Theoretical Modelling and Computer Simulations (Monte Carlo, Molecular Dynamics) of Liquid Crystals, Polymers, Membranes, Proteins and other Soft Materials in the bulk or nanoconfined. Development of theoretical and computational methods for the spectroscopic (Fluorescence Depolarization, ESR spin probe, NMR) investigation of order and dynamics in anisotropic systems. Particularly interested in predictive atomistic simulations and in applications of modelling to novel Liquid Crystal and Organic Electronics devices using High Performance Computing. Publications:Around 300 papers, with an Hirsch index H=54 and over 10,000 citations (Google Scholar and Top Italian Scientist, VIA) , H=47 (ISI-WoS, Publons), and 3 edited books.

所获荣誉:1998- Founder and Director of the International School of Liquid Crystals, at the Ettore Majorana Centre, Erice; 2004, Awarded Ben Sturgeon Lecture, British Liquid Crystal Society; Sept. 2010, Awarded G.B. Bonino medal of the Physical Chemistry Division of Italian Chemical Society; Aug. 2012-Jul. 2016, President of the International Liquid Crystal Society (ILCS); Dec. 2012-Dec. 2016, Chairman of EU PRACE High Performance Computing Access Panel; Feb. 2018, Solvay Colloquium Lecturer, ULB, Bruxelles; Jul. 2018, Corresponding member of Accademia delle Scienze di Bologna.