The Bode Integral: A Unifier of Integral Relations and Performance Measures

报告人:Junqi Ma City University of Hong Kong
主持人:李忠奎 研究员



Various frequency-domain integral formulas are available and can be used to characterize fundamental performance limitations and inherent performance tradeoffs in feedback systems design, and often they appear unrelated. The most exemplary result in this spirit is the Bode sensitivity integral relation. Yet in an interesting discovery, we find that the Bode sensitivity integral can serve as a unifier to link all other integral formulas, though traditionally they were derived in different ways and have been used for different performance objectives. In a similar spirit, we also study H_2 control performance measures, of which the most notable are optimal setpoint tracking and optimal energy regulation. We establish similar connections between these two sets of performance measures.



Mr. Ma received the B.Eng. degree in measurement and control technology and instruments in 2017 from University of Science and Technology of China. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering in City University of Hong Kong. His current research interests include Bode integrals, multi-agent systems and information theory.

